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Event Management Bangladesh

Event Management Bangladesh is devoted to the development of the
 Bangladeshi Event sector.

Event management has been in Bangladesh since the 2000s. Initially, it observed slow growth but in the last 5 years there has been major rise in the popularity of event sector. It would become a billion dollar industry in the next 10 years creating jobs for thousands of people. The Event Management Bangladesh has been created to improve the Event sector of Bangladesh. There are currently around 100+ websites and 1000 + Facebook companies. 

Event management is not an isolated sector but related to Tourism, Hospitality management, Family/Social/Corporate Events & Other Festival etc. In order to ensure the growth of the Event sector, Event Management Bangladesh will focus on- Event review, Brand promotion, Marketing, Advertising & all event related information is here, Event management policy and guidelines, service delivery, Event awareness and training, Event quality improvement, and research. 

However, there are many problems that need to be addressed for Event management to reach its full potential.

Event Management Bangladesh has been created to address the existing problems of Event management to ensure its growth. Event Management Bangladesh aims to serve as a common platform for companies involved in the Bangladeshi Event industry. Event management Bangladesh will serve as their voice. In addition, Event Management Bangladesh will undertake different activities including research, publication, training, workshop, seminars, etc., for the improvement of the Event Management sector.

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Md Mahfuz Hasan

Event Management Bangladesh Event Management Bangladesh Reviewed by Panda Pandel Event Organizer on October 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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